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Here you can see the different Holistic sessions we have available.

The sessions are often a mix of several therapies and exercise systems, such as




Experience the soothing holistic treatment of sound therapy. As we are all electromagnetic beings and function from the source of energy and frequency, one can help the body re-balance and rejuvenate from exposing ourselves to the sound eminating from crystal singing bowls and frequencies generated from tuning forks which have a direct impact on the molecular structure of the water in our body helping the cells rejuvenate through the re- balancing of the prana/ energy running through our body. It works on all different levels, body, mind and soul. The sound also helps you let go of any thoughts and focus on the now.





Energy medicine is an easy self healing tool which can help you keep your energy free from blockages. It opens up meridians/energy pathways in the body so that all the organs can work at their best capacity. This will keep your body well supplied with energy for all functions, creating balance and wellbeing. Energy medicine works well together with breath work and yoga stretches for a full body energising effect.


Yoga Nidra/ Conscious rest is a practice which is highly beneficial when one feels  deeply burnt out and has had trouble with sleep in general. One can often feel at a loss, trying to catch up on sleep as life is hectic, workload is high and there are simply not enough hours in the day.

1 hour of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to 2-3 hours normal sleep and can help you to build a rest routine where you learn to validate your body's need for rest, taking your re-charging time seriously, without the feeling of guilt. Remember, your body and mind works best when rested. Rest is the foundation of health, and everyone around you will benefit from you being your rested self.

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Reiki is an ancient holistic therapy where the practitioner helps your body, freeing up blockages, physical, emotional and spiritual, in order to heal. The body is its own healer, but sometimes there might be areas which we need help to localise and free up for a general flow to occur. This gives room for the whole body, mind and spirit to heal. The Reiki Master will hover her hands above or on areas of the body, to re-charge and correct any imbalances. 

Debbie Wagstaff/ Reiki Master will work on you 1:1 or in a joint session with Ingrid for a session of Reiki and Sound therapy.


Rajadhiraja Yoga includes Yoga asanas/ physical stretching and exercises, Meditation and Chanting. These tools help the body and mind to detox. In physical terms this means: moving the lymph, tensing and relaxing muscles, secretion of the right amount of hormones and enzymes, regulation of liquids in the body, helping all organs work well. On an energetic level, chakras and energy meridians are unblocked.

A well balanced body and mind prepares for the connection of unity and oneness which one gets through the practice of meditation, the spiritual level.

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I am here for you from Tuesdays to Fridays for 1:1 consultations, but if you would rather book for a group session, you are welcome to gather your own group of friends to create a bigger class, up to 7 people max. Contact me and let me know the numbers of your group with names and contact number/ emails so that I can send out the information for the session you choose.


If you have special requests due to personal disability and needs, please let me know in advance.

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